Weblinks Israël, Palestina, Zionisme
& het Midden-Oosten Conflict
Web links Israel, Palestine, Zionism & the Middle East Conflict
Most of the links below are to English language websites.
Het overgrote deel van de links hieronder betreft Engelstalige websites, daar het aanbod daarvan veel groter is, en die doorgaans ook meer en vaak betere informatie bevatten dan wat er in het Nederlands te vinden is. (Daarom linken we ook bij Wikipedia naar de Engelstalige versie.)
Gebalanceerde websites over het Midden-Oosten Conflict
/ Balanced websites on the Middle East Conflict- Websites about peace initiatives
- Mensenrechten / Human Rights
- Websites of progressive and moderate Arabs
- Critical voices within islam
- Websites over Zionisme en Israël / Websites on Zionism and Israel
- Politieke partijen Israël / Political parties Israel
- Andere Joodse websites over Jodendom, Antisemitisme, Zionisme en Israël
/ Other Jewish websites on Jewry, Anti-Semitism, Zionism and Israel Websites die met name de Arabische wereld en berichtgeving over Israël kritisch volgen
/ Websites that monitor the Arab world and media coverage on Israel- Articles about anti-Zionism
- Media
- News Groups on the Internet
- Weblogs
- Sociale media Israel
- Bestrijding antisemitisme, racisme en discriminatie
/ Fighting Anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination Divers
- Nederlandse linkpagina’s voor verdere verwijzingen
- Vrienden, bekenden, sites die naar ons linken
/ Friends, acquaintances, sites that link to us
Gebalanceerde websites over het Midden-Oosten Conflict / Balanced websites on the Middle East Conflict
MidEastWeb for Coexistence – Middle East news & background, history, maps and opinions – one of the most extensive websites, founded in 1999 to bring the parties closer together during the peace process
Israeli – Palestinian ProCon – gives visions from both sides of the conflict by way of (historic) citations
Bitter Lemons: Palestinian-Israeli Crossfire – comments and opinions from both sides on current developments (untill 2012)
Vrije Encyclopedie van het Conflict Israël-Palestina (VECIP) – Nederlandstalig; breed opgezette website met vooral beknopte, goed leesbare teksten over allerlei aspecten, niet alleen over Israël en de Palestijnen maar ook de verschillende wereldgodsdiensten, Joodse geschiedenis en Arabische wereld
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, The Middle East 1916 – 2001: A Documentary Record – a number of official statements, treaties and reports by institutions since 1916
Websites about peace initiatives
Peace Now – largest Israeli peace organization, founded in 1978 during the Israeli-Egyptian peace talks; with critical ‘settlement watch’ reports.
Eyes On The Ground in East Jerusalem – Peace Now blog (‘Settlement Watch’) on the battle for East Jerusalem
Americans for Peace Now (APN) – Americans for Peace Now [APN] was founded in 1981 to support the activities of Shalom Achshav (Peace Now in Israel). APN is the leading United States advocate for peace in the Middle East.
Brit Tzedek v’Shalom – American Jewish peace group: “The mission of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace is to educate and mobilize American Jews in support of a negotiated two-state resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
Ariga – PeaceWatch – PeaceWatch provides commentary and background on Middle East affairs by the PEACE Middle East Dialogue group
Peace and Security Association – Israeli security experts, former military and diplomats who support the peace process
One Voice Movement – Grassroots movement working with ordinary Israelis and Palestinians: “The OneVoice Movement, conceived by the US-based PeaceWorks Foundation, has three main branches with headquarters in Tel Aviv, Ramallah, and New York, and dozens of chapters worldwide. It seeks to empower ordinary Israeli and Palestinian citizens to wrest the agenda for conflict resolution away from violent extremists.”
Other Voice – Israeli peace group in the south west of the country: “Other Voice, For a civil solution in the Sderot-Gaza region”
Hope Ways Peace Forum – Independent forum: “HopeWays is dedicated to fostering the values of: Peace and Solidarity – both between nations and amidst various groups within our society. Tolerance and Pluralism – among all ethnic, religious, cultural and ideological communities. Sincerity and Creativity – in seeking and applying new ways to better our socio-political destiny. HopeWays holds that “ordinary people” and their free communities are the key to a better future, both in the Holy Land and elsewhere. The forum is devoted to promoting both new thinking and constructive civic action.”
IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information – joint think tank of Israelis and Palestinians to advance the dialog
Combatants For Peace – “We are a group of Israeli and Palestinian individuals who were actively involved in the cycle of violence in our area. The Israelis served as combat soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces and the Palestinians were involved in acts of violence in the name of Palestinian liberation. We all used weapons against one another, and looked at each other only through weapon sights; however today we cooperate and commit ourselves to the following: We no longer believe that the conflict can be resolved through violence. / We believe that the blood shed will not end unless we act together to terminate the occupation and stop all forms of violence. / We call for the establishment of a Palestinian State, alongside the State of Israel. The two states can exist in peace and security beside each other. / We will use only non-violent means to achieve our goals and call for both societies to end violence.”
BPT – Bringing Peace Together – Joint Israeli-Palestinian peace website: “The Bringing Peace Together (BPT) Program is a multifaceted group set in 2004 aiming at bringing together representatives of different peace movements in order to exchange visions and experiences with each other. The Jerusalem office of the Panorama Center for the Dissemination for Democracy and Community Development, headed by Walid Salem, is the coordinating organization of this initiative. Among the participants in the project meeting are Peace Now, IPCRI (Israeli Palestinian Center for Research and Information) , IPCC (International Peace Cooperation Center), the Arik Institute, the Youth Forum for Development, members of the Geneva and The People’s Voice initiatives. The project is funded by Interchurch Peace Council (IKV), an NGO based in the Netherlands that promotes peace initiatives in the region and whose representatives are active partners in the project, with the specific aim to enlarge participation and influence the policies of international bodies and foreign decision makers. The BPT program was build on the basis of two assumptions: the first is that the peace movements in Israel, Palestine, and internationally, are working parallel to each other; the second is that coordination is possible between these movements, whatever political and ideological differences exist.”
Crossing Borders Program – “We would like to draw your attention to our “crossing borders” program. This program is conducted by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research in Tel Aviv University and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah (PSR) with the assistance of the Ford Foundation. The aim of the program is to give Israelis and Palestinians an opportunity to become familiar with the narratives and realities of the other side to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, thereby, hopefully, perforating the cognitive wall that sets them apart. The program consists of: (a) parallel study groups of Israelis and Palestinians from various professional fields – civil servants, academics, NGO activists, and so on, to be taught, in a series of meetings, by lecturers of the other side to the conflict about the political, social, cultural, and economic realities “across the border”; (b) a homepage (the current one) partly open to the public that will include relevant information – documents, lecture transcripts, reading lists, and so on – about the two societies; (c) library/databases (to be integrated later into the current homepage) – the TSC will further develop its own existing database on Israeli-Palestinian cooperation, while the PSR will establish its library/database on current Israeli public opinion.”
New Israel Fund (NIF) – “New Israel Fund is the leading organization committed to democratic change within Israel. For twenty-eight years, NIF has fought for social justice and equality for all Israelis. We believe that Israel can live up to its founders’ vision of a state that ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants, without regard to religion, race or gender.”
Peace Child Israel (on MidEastWeb) – learning to live together by theater and art; founded in 1988
Hope Flowers School – Palestinian school in Bethlehem for peace and democracy, founded in 1984
Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families for Peace (The Parents’ Circle) – founded by Israeli businessman Yitzhak Frankenthal, whose son was killed by Palestinians while serving in the Israeli army. Members are Palestinians and Israelis who have lost loved ones in the conflict: “The Families Forum, as the expanded group of about 500 families is called, seeks to solve the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians through dialogue and mutual understanding. We call on all parties to promote reconciliation as the only way to reach true co-existence and peace.”
IFLAC – International Forum for the Literature And Culture of Peace – founded in Israel in 1985: “We believe that culture and literature can promote peace, freedom, and the enrichment of the quality of life. On the threshold of the twenty first century, we shall endeavor to pave the way towards the fulfillment of our main ideal “one world and one humanity, all living in peace”. Our goal is to help build a Middle East and a world beyond war in the 21st century, by means of literature, culture and art. This endeavor is in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.”
Ada Aharoni – On the Culture and Literature of Peace – Jewish Israeli from Egypt, president of IFLAC: “Professor Ada Aharoni is a sociologist of culture at the Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, Israel. She is also a writer, poet and editor…”
Meeting the Enemy – Nederlandstalig; dialooggroep voor in Nederland wonende Israëli’s en Palestijnen: “Ontmoet het gezicht achter je vijand! Meeting the Enemy is dé ontmoetingsplaats voor Israëliërs en Palestijnen. Op basis van vriendschappelijke ontmoetingen willen wij elkaar de mogelijkheid bieden om het gezicht achter de vijand te zien. Daarom organiseren wij, in Nederland wonende Palestijnen en Israëliërs, elke maand ontmoetingen waarin humor, lekker eten en de actuele situatie in Palestina/Israël centraal staan.”
Givat Haviva (Nederlands) / Givat Haviva (English) – Joods-Arabisch instituut voor vredeseducatie in Israël, gericht op het bevorderen van dialoog en wederzijds begrip tussen de Joodse en Arabische bevolking, alsook de gelijke rechten voor alle inwoners van Israël. Givat Haviva werd opgericht in 1949 als het onderwijscentrum van de Kibbutz Artzi beweging, waarin 85 kibboetsiem verenigd zijn. Givat Haviva geeft seminaren en workshops en organiseert andere educatieve activiteiten om hun ideeën uit te dragen, en is nog steeds verwant aan de idealen van de kibboetsbeweging, die voor sociale rechtvaardigheid, vrede en gelijke rechten voor alle burgers staat.
Mensenrechten / Human Rights
Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens – Nederlandstalig; volledige tekst van Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens
The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam – Islamic Human Rights Declaration, Cairo 1990
B’Tselem (Betselem) – Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories; “as an Israeli organization, the majority of its efforts is directed at violations committed by our government on behalf of all of us”
Amnesty International – “AI’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights.”
Websites of progressive and moderate Arabs
American Task Force on Palestine – a relatively moderate organisation of Palestinians living in the USA
Arabs for Israel – a group of Palestinians (among which Nonie Darwish) and other Arabs standing up for Israel
Walid Shoebat – a former PLO terrorist now supporting Israel
Sari Nusseibeh – president of Al Quds University and former politician, who together with Ami Ayalon, former head of Shin Beth, founded “The People’s Voice” initiative in 2002, a petition to end the conflict by a two state solution, sharing Jerusalem and no ‘right of return’ for the refugees. Their proposal gained 254,460 Israeli and 161,000 Palestinian signatures by late 2007, but is off-line since.
Tarek Heggy – essays from Egyptian writer: “Tarek Heggy is one of the most creative and prolific writers in the Arab world. His writings probe the political and social limits and present a refreshing message of self-reliance that challenges the prevailing sense that regional ills are largely made abroad”
Middle East Transparent – “forum for Arab liberals” by Libanese Pierre Akel in Paris: “Metransparent was an attempt to explore such liberal currents as exist inside the Middle East. I discovered the different strains of Arab liberalism along with my readers. An independent Web site was necessary in order to allow people to write what they really had in mind, not merely what they were allowed to write. It was also necessary as a forum for the diverse currents in the region. ”
Critical voices within islam
Tawfik Hamid – “Dr. Tawfik Hamid, is an Islamic thinker and reformer, and one time Islamic extremist from Egypt. He was a member of a terrorist Islamic organization JI . Some twenty-five years ago, he recognized the threat of Radical Islam and the need for a reformation based upon modern peaceful interpretations of classical Islamic core texts.”
Irshad Manji – Website of muslima Irshad Manji, author of “The Trouble with Islam Today”
Free Muslims Coalition – Website by moderate Muslims: The Free Muslims Coalition is a nonprofit organization made up of American Muslims and Arabs of all backgrounds who feel that religious violence and terrorism have not been fully rejected by the Muslim community in the post 9-11 era.
Websites over Zionisme en Israël / Websites on Zionism and Israel
Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël (CIDI) – Nederlandstalig; voornaamste Nederlandse pro-Israël organisatie, opgericht in 1974: “CIDI is een onafhankelijke Nederlandse stichting, die onlosmakelijk verbonden is met het democratische Israel. De organisatie komt op voor het recht op veiligheid van het Joodse volk, waar ook ter wereld. Vanuit deze betrokkenheid rekent CIDI het tot zijn taken:
* de betrekkingen te versterken tussen Israel en Nederland i.c. de Europese Unie;
* een platform te bieden voor de vreedzame en harmonieuze ontwikkeling van de relaties tussen Israel en de Arabische wereld;
* de kennis over Israel en zijn inwoners te vergroten en te verdiepen;
* racisme, vreemdelingenhaat en antisemitisme te bestrijden met democratische middelen.”
CiJO – Voor Israël, Voor Vrede – Nederlandstalig; jongerenorganisatie verbonden met het CIDI: “CiJO (CIDI Jongeren Organisatie) is in 2002 opgericht door studenten die allen vanuit verschillende affiniteiten hart hebben voor Israël en graag vrede zien in het Midden-Oosten. De oprichters willen het hedendaagse publiekpolitieke debat verrijken met een organisatie die in felle debatten een gematigde stem laat horen en die op een productieve wijze naar een oplossing zoekt door zich in te leven in alle partijen die een rol hebben in het conflict. Daarnaast wil CiJO bouwen aan een vredige samenleving in Nederland. Daarom bestrijdt CiJO actief racisme, antisemitisme en vooroordelen door bijvoorbeeld voorlichting te geven over de Joodse gemeenschap en door jongeren van verschillende religieus-culturele achtergronden bij elkaar te brengen.”
Christenen voor Israel – Nederlandstalig; Stichting Christenen voor Israël stelt zich ten doel om christenen in Nederland en wereldwijd bewust te maken van de betekenis van het Joodse volk in Gods handelen met deze wereld. Haar boodschap naar de kerken is dat de gemeente van Jezus Christus niet in de plaats van Israël is gekomen, maar dat er nog verschillende belangrijke beloften voor Israël in de nabije toekomst zullen worden vervuld.
We geven betrouwbare informatie over het land, het volk en de staat van Israël. Wij roepen christenen op solidair met Israël te zijn en wijzen elke vorm van antisemitisme af. Hierbij gaan we uit van het gezag en de betrouwbaarheid van de Bijbel als Gods Woord. Christenen voor Israël steunt Israël metterdaad en is werkzaam in Nederlandse kerken en gemeenten.
Zionism and Israel Information Center: A History of Zionism and the Creation of Israel, Zionism and its Impact, Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel, Zionism: historical documents and other articles – “These pages were created to explain Zionism and anti-Zionism, and to support the elementary proposition that the Jewish people have the same right to self-determination as the Czechs, Poles, Greeks, Americans, British, French, Armenians, Turks, Jordanians, Lebanese and any other group that chooses to develop its own national culture.”
Zionism and Israel on the Web – “Zionism on the Web supports the proposition that every people has the right to live in freedom and develop its own culture, language and society. Jews are people like any other people. The Jewish people is a people like any other. We, the Jewish people, have the right to self-determination in our own national home, where we can speak our own language and develop our own culture. Those are the basic ideas of Zionism.”
Peace with Realism – Toward a Just Peace in the Middle East – website opposing lies and distortions in the conflict: “We at Peace with Realism are concerned about the prevalence of this misinformation and the distortions that have succeeded in replacing reality. Peace cannot come from a lie. And so the mission of Peace with Realism is to make a contribution toward stating the truth and correcting the misconceptions that have taken root in the minds of many people and that, if left unchecked, will surely prevent the realization of any chance for peace. This does not imply approving or excusing everything Israel does – these pages also criticize Israel and its policies when it matters. But a very effective and highly organized publicity campaign, unlike anything on the Israeli side, has slanted much of the news and public perception against Israel, and it is this web site’s mission to address this situation and offer some balance to it.”
Countering Bias and Misinformation, mainly about the Arab Israel conflict – Website by Maurice Ostroff countering bias and misinformation
Look Israel – Judaism and Israel questions and answers, facts and statistics
Israel’s Documented Story – The English-language blog of the Israel State Archives (ISA)
Zionism & Israel News Archives – ‘The News and Commentary Weblog of Zionism-Israel Center’ – contains important and remarkable news and comments about Israel and the Middle East.
Six Day War + British website about the backgrounds to the Six Day War.
FresnoZionism + “FresnoZionism.org was created to provide a forum for publishing and discussing issues about Israel and the Mideast conflict, especially where there is a local Central valley connection. We think America’s interests are best served by supporting the democratic state of Israel, the front line in the struggle between Western civilization and Islamic fundamentalism. The viewpoint is not intended to be liberal or conservative — just pro-Israel.”
Jewish State – Website by Ezra Ben-Shalom with news and views on Israel and the conflict.
Jewish Agency for Israel – Worldwide Zionist organisation: “The Jewish Agency is a global partnership committed to the Jewish future that stands on a history-making track record. Together, our partnership has brought 3 million people to Israel; we have built a nation. Not by the daring acts of a few, but by the power of our collective commitment and action. And together, we can meet the challenges of today – and our aspirations for the future.”
World Zionist Organisation (WZO) – Hagshama Department – in Hebrew only: The Hagshama Department was established in January 1998, with the aim of placing the fulfillment “Hagshama” of the Zionist vision high on the agenda of young Jewish adults (18-30): “Israel is a country that is being built and re-built daily by the dreams and struggles of millions of people. Each one of us in Israel and in the Diaspora is striving to help build the best country for the Jewish People. As such, the Hagshama Department is here to help you define your relationship with Israel and encourage you to participate in Israel’s and your own community’s future.”
Engage – on anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Great Britain – British university movement founded in response to the AUT Israel boycott; “Engage challenges left and liberal antisemitism in the labour movement, in our universities and in public life more generally. Antisemitism here, manifests itself mainly as anti-Zionism.”
What is Zionism? – a brief explanation of Zionism on the ADL website
Zionism – a brief history from the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, on InfoPlease
Politieke partijen Israël / Political parties Israel
Meretz-Yachad – Social Democratic Israel party (member of World Union of Meretz)
Meretz USA – “Meretz USA for Israeli Civil Rights and Peace is a US non-profit organization that supports a genuine peace between the State of Israel and its neighbors (including the Palestinian people) based on a negotiated land-for-peace solution.” (member of World Union of Meretz)
Likoed Nederland / Likud of Holland – Nederlandstalig as well as English; Likoed Nederland is geliëerd aan de Israëlische Likud partij en aan de Likoed Wereld Organisatie (Likud Olami): “De Likoed staat voor vrede door veiligheid, veiligheid door kracht. De Likoed vindt dat Israël de verantwoordelijkheid voor de veiligheid van haar burgers niet uit handen mag geven. De Likoed wil een bloeiende economie, ongeremd door de archaïsche structuur van vakbondsmacht en staatsbedrijven.De Likoed is gehecht aan het land, het volk, de tradities, de heilige plaatsen en de band met Joden over de hele wereld.” – English: “The Likud wants peace through security, security through strength. The Likud does not want Israel to give away the responsibility for the security of its citizens. The Likud wants a strong economy, unhindered by the archaic structure of unions and state-owned companies. The Likud cares for the land, the people, the traditions and the holy places and the bond with Jews everywhere in the world.”
Andere Joodse websites over Jodendom, Antisemitisme, Zionisme en Israël / Other Jewish websites on Jewry, Anti-Semitism, Zionism and Israel
Nederlandse Joods Jongeren en Studentenverening (IJAR) – Nederlandstalig: “Ijar, de Joodse studenten- en jongerenvereniging voor jongeren tussen de 18 en 35 jaar met momenteel ongeveer 300 leden. Met de oprichting in 1976 is Ijar de oudste Joodse jongerenvereniging in Nederland die dit jaar tevens haar 30-jarig bestaan viert.
De belangrijkste doelstellingen zijn het versterken van het Joodse bewustzijn, het ‘Israël-gevoel’ en het bevorderen van de (internationale) contacten tussen Joodse jongeren. Tot op heden heeft Ijar zich voornamelijk gericht op activiteiten binnen de landsgrenzen. […] In de mediene zijn wij ook actief met afdelingen in Utrecht, Groningen en Roddhl (voor iedereen uit Rotterdam, Delft, Den Haag en Leiden).”
NIW (Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad) – Nederlandstalig: Tijdschrift voor Joods Nederland, opgericht in 1865, en daarmee het oudste opinietijdschrift in Nederland.
Joods Actueel – Nederlandstalig: Tijdschrift voor de Joodse gemeenschap in Vlaanderen.
Etsel op Infoteur over Israël en Jodendom – Nederlandstalig; website over onder meer het Jodendom en Israël met achtergronden en commentaren: “Mijn artikelen gaan over zowel de materiële als de spirituele wereld in de overtuiging dat de Schepper beide werelden heeft geschapen. Het Jodendom speelt een belangrijke rol in mijn verhalen. Doel is om zo’n goed mogelijk beeld te geven van de Joodse religie. Het is de taak van het Jodendom om te onderwijzen over de Ene God die het universum bestuurt. Ik hoop dat mijn artikelen daaraan een bijdrage zullen leveren. De onderwerpen uit de materiële wereld waarover ik schrijf gaan over Israël (politiek, technologie, toerisme, economie,milieu, etc), Israëlische lobby (Hasbara), Midden Oosten (politiek), […].”
haGalil – Deutschsprachisch: über Juden, Judentum und Israel. Mit Geschichte der Gründung von Israel.
Jewish Virtual Library – The Jewish Virtual Library is a good source for information about things Jewish and Israeli. Their angle tends to be a bit right-wing, but the wealth of material is impressive; “… the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise’s Jewish Virtual Library, your source for information about Jewish history, Israel, U.S.-Israel relations, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and Judaism. This is not just a historical archive, it is also the place to find talking points on breaking news.”
American Jewish Congres (AJC) – “From the time it was founded in 1918 by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and other Jewish leaders in response to the condition of the Jews in Europe following World War I; to 1920, when the domestic agenda was added to overseas concerns; to the present day, the American Jewish Congress has been deeply involved in the most significant issues facing the Jewish community here at home and worldwide. From the very beginning of our existence, for example, AJCongress has been devoted to the Zionist dream of a Jewish homeland, a stance which set us apart from the overwhelming majority of organized Jewry.”
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – American Jewish organisation; “The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.” ADL Charter, October 1913
JIMENA – Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa – Organisation of Jews indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa: “JIMENA’s mission is to advocate and educate about the history and plight of the Jews indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa.”
Centropa – Jewish History in Central Europe – “We are an international team of historians, filmmakers, web designers, journalists, educators, photographers and Jewish community activists. Our goal is to create a window into Jewish history, and current events, in Central and Eastern Europe the former Soviet Union, and Turkey & the Balkans. By marrying together the newest technologies and serious research methods, we want to take Jewish history off the shelf, and bring it into your homes, classrooms, synagogues, libraries, book clubs and organizations. Whether you are Jewish or not, from North America, Europe or the Middle East, we are confident that you will find our site interesting and stimulating.”
Current Viewpoint – British pro-Israel website
Websites die met name de Arabische wereld en berichtgeving over Israël kritisch volgen / Websites that monitor the Arab world and media coverage on Israel
NB: deze websites nemen het overwegend op voor Israël.
PS: most of these websites are in defense of Israel.
The Prism Group – wil door de feiten en achtergronden voor het voetlicht te halen de vrede dichterbij brengen; in het bijzonder nemen ze het op voor kinderen en christenen in het Midden-Oosten en de positie van vrouwen in de Arabische landen; kritiek op Israël lijkt te ontbreken
MEMRI – Middle East Media Research Institute – primair Amerikaanse organisatie, die berichten uit Arabische en Hebreeuwse media vertaalt en becommentarieert
CAMERA – Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America – Amerikaanse organisatie die de berichtgeving in de media over Israël en het Midden-Oosten volgt en onjuiste weergaven van de feiten bekritiseert
NGO Monitor – founded by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; critically follows reports and activities of Non-Governmental Organisations in regard to the Middle East
EU-Funding.org – The Funding for Peace Coalition – organisation located in England; critically follows financial support from the European Union to the Palestinian Authority and how this money is being used
Articles about anti-Zionism
The Anti-Israel Academic Boycott Resource Pages Zionism and Israel boycotts – Articles on Zionism on the Web website
Anti-Zionist arguments and myths on Zionism and Israel FAQ Boycott Israel?
The (anti) Zionism and anti-Israel boycotts and the Stop the Wall campain – Articles on Zionism and Israel Information Center website
Exposing False Zionist Quotes – Article on CAMERA website
Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad (NIW) – Nederlandstalige weekkrant voor Joods Nederland
Laatste nieuws uit Israël – Nederlandstalig nieuwsoverzicht per maand, samengesteld door Etsel op Infoteur
WAARnet – Nederlandstalig: WAAR is een werkgroep die de berichtgeving in de Nederlandse media kritisch volgt op onevenwichtigheid jegens Israël: “WAAR bestaat uit een groep verontruste burgers van allerlei gezindten en politieke overtuigingen die zich zorgen maakt over de wijze waarop er in de media over Israël wordt bericht.”
IMRA – Independent Media Review Analysis – news and analyses from both sides
Haaretz (English) – progressive Israeli newspaper (much content not free)
Jerusalem Post (English) – conservative Israeli newspaper
Yediot Ahronot (English) – largest Israeli newspaper
Times of Israel – news website since February 2012: “The Times of Israel is a Jerusalem-based online newspaper founded in 2012 to document developments in Israel, the Middle East and around the Jewish world. It was established by veteran UK-born, Israeli journalist David Horovitz and his US-based capital partner Seth Klarman. Horovitz is the founding editor, responsible for the site’s editorial content. The Times of Israel has no partisan political affiliation. It seeks to present the news fair-mindedly and offers a wide range of analysis and opinion pieces.”
The Jerusalem Report – Jewish-Israeli biweekly magazine since 1990 (most content not free).
Azure – Ideas for the Jewish Nation – Quarterly journal by the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, with “essays and criticism on Israeli and Jewish public policy, Jewish philosophy, cultural trends, religion in public life, Zionist history and much more”
Palestine – Israel Journal – Journal of politics, economics and culture: “The Palestine-Israel Journal is a non-profit organization, founded in 1994 by Ziad AbuZayyad and Victor Cygielman, two prominent Palestinian and Israeli journalists, and was established concurrently with the first phases of the Oslo peace process to encourage dialogue between civil societies on both sides and broaden the base of support for the peace process. It was obvious from the start that, alongside the institutional efforts of Palestinians and Israelis, channels of communication must be opened for academics and other intellectuals, opinion and policy makers, grassroots organizations and activists to voice their views and take part in the public debate for a democratic and just solution to the conflict.”
Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre (JMCC) – Palestinian news and background information, established in 1988 by Palestinian journalists
i24news.tv – In 2013 gestarte internationale tv-zender uit Israel, zie ook: Internationale zender “i24news” van start in Israel
REKA network (IBA) – Israeli TV and radio broadcast in English and other languages
Israel Radio – Israeli radio broadcast in English
Aljazeera – Arabian international news station
CNN – American (world wide) news station
News Groups on the Internet
MewNews – MidEast Web News Service Click to join MewNews (10-20 mails a day) – Daily news about the Middle East, distributed by a Yahoo!-group MewBkd – MidEast Web News Service Analysis Click to join MewBkd (10-20 mails a day) – A Spectrum of Opinions, Analyses and Background About Middle East News, distributed by a Yahoo!-group
ZNN – Zionism News Network Click to join ZNN (not updated anymore) – News and Views about Zionism, Israel and Anti-Semitism, distributed by a Yahoo!-group
Web Logs
Dutchblog Israel + Blog in het Nederlands en Engels, met politieke commentaren en persoonlijke noten door Bert de Bruin (Yonathan Dror Bar-On), een joodse historicus die in 1995 van Nederland naar Israël emigreerde + Blog in Dutch and English, with political comments and personal notes by Bert de Bruin (Yonathan Dror Bar-On), a Jewish historian who emigrated in 1995 from the Netherlands to Israel
IMO Blog – Israël & Midden-Oosten + Blog in het Nederlands over het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict en de Nederlandse media, door onze medewerkster Ratna.
Israël & Palestijnen Nieuws Blog + Nieuws en commentaren in het Engels en Nederlands, blog verbonden aan Israël-Palestina Info.
Israël in de Media Blog + Blog in het Nederlands en Engels met commentaren op de berichtgeving over Israël in de media.
Trouw Israël Monitor – Blog in het Nederlands over de berichtgeving over Israël in dagblad Trouw.
Brabosh.com – Blog in het Nederlands door een Antwerpenaar, met artikelen over het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict en verwante zaken.
The Crethi and the Plethi – Blog in English and Nederlands: “In depth information, Research and Analysis of Middle East Affairs, Israel and Radical Islam. Must watch Video’s or read the BLOG (in English or Dutch)”
Simon Soesan Stories and Blogs – Blog in het Nederlands en Engels, met politieke commentaren en persoonlijke noten door Simon Soesan uit Haifa die in 1973 van Nederland naar Israël emigreerde – Blog in Dutch and English, with political comments and personal notes by Simon Soesan from Haifa who emigrated in 1973 from the Netherlands to Israel
Elder of Ziyon – Blog in English about Israel, Palestinian and Arab claims and media bias.
ZioNation – Progressive Zionism and Israel Web Log (not updated anymore) – Progressive Zionism blog, mostly by the late Ami Isseroff
Israel: Like this, as if (not updated anymore) – Blog by the late Joseph M. Hochstein and Ami Isseroff: ” ‘Like this, as if’ is a literal translation of Hebrew slang, ‘kahzeh ke’ilu.’ This Hebrew expression is a literal translation of ‘so, like,’ as in ‘It was so, like, cool.’ A weblog translating Israeli life into English.”
Middle East Analyses Blog (not updated anymore) – Group blog, comments and analyses, mostly by the late Ami Isseroff
Simply Jews – Group blog: “Come meet the Elders. Simply Jews – a gang of dangerously undermedicated.”
Something Something – Web Log of Liza Rosenberg
Haifa Diary – Web Log of Stuart Palmer in Haifa: “Haifa is on the “front line” in any action in the north but this blog looks at life in the shadow of danger to all of Israel”
Normblog – Web log of Norman Geras
Octogenarian (not updated anymore) – Blog by Mortart, a retired Jewish journalist in the USA
Shimon Zachary Klein – Shimon was born in South-Africa and moved to Israël in 1974. His blog is (mostly) about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Unplugged Mike – Michael Brenner is a New York jurist in his 20s; his (irregular) posts are about politics, Judaism and Israel
Dvar Dea – Views of an Israeli Jew “on politics, history and what ever comes to mind”
Daled Amos – Blog from de USA about Israel and the conflict
Point of no return – Blog with information and links about the Middle East’s forgotten Jewish refugees: “In just 50 years, almost a million Jews, whose communities stretch back up to 3,000 years, have been ‘ethnically cleansed’ from Arab countries. These refugees outnumber the Palestinian refugees two to one, but their narrative has all but been ignored. Unlike Palestinian refugees, they fled not war, but systematic persecution. Seen in this light, Israel, which absorbed most of these Jewish refugees, is the legitimate expression of the self-determination of an oppressed indigenous, Middle Eastern people.
This website is dedicated to preserving the memory of the near-extinct Jewish communities. It will attempt to pass on the stories of the Jewish refugees and their current struggle for recognition and restitution. Awareness of the injustice done to these Jews can only advance the cause of peace and reconciliation.”
Irene Lancaster’s Diary (on Aliyah, Judaism, Zionism and Politics) – Blog by Dr. Irene Lancaster, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, member of the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester, board member of the Foundation for Reconciliation in the Middle East, advisor of ‘Anglicans for Israel’.
Daniels Counter – Blog by a British progressive veganist Zionist Jew, mostly about Israel and the Palestinians.
Lisa Goldman’s Blog – Blog by Lisa Goldman, from July 2004 untill April 2011. She moved to Israel in 2000, and is a freelance journalist who has also written blogs for the Guardian: “I am a freelance journalist and blogger, currently based in Jaffa. I write mostly about Israel-Palestine (IsPal). Since co-founding +972 Magazine, I post all my articles in both blogs.”
Philosemitism – Blog by a woman from France: “This blog is dedicated to the many many Europeans who, despite continuous disinformation campaigns, do not believe the worst of the Jews (malign and secret Jewish power); who do not disguise their anti-Semitism behind the language of anti-Zionism; and who know that Israel embodies the best in democracy.”
Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers – Group blog by 15 people in the San Francisco Bay area: “An opportunity to vent, a useful resource, and a reference library for pro-Israel bloggers in the San Francisco Bay Area.”
Ray Cook: As I See It – Israel, Zionism and the Media – Web log by a British Jew: “I am a Zionist. That means I believe in a homeland for the Jewish People in their ancestral land of Israel. / I support a form of a two state solution in Israel/Palestine but only when Israel’s security can be guaranteed. / I am concerned for the welfare of all the people of the region and fervently desire that both sides live in peace and co-operation with mutual advantage and respect.”
CiF Watch – CiF Watch is “dedicated to monitoring and exposing antisemitism on the Guardian newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free’ blog.”
AP Israel Watch – Blog by a former Dutchman living in Jerusalem, about bias in AP reporting about Israel
The Dry Bones Blog (cartoons) – Cartoons & comments from Yaakov Kirschen in Israel, 5 times a week
Freedom for Egyptians – Blog from an Egyptian woman: “Freedom and Democracy are the only guarantees for human dignity, self-respect and human rights”
Rantings of a Sandmonkey – Blog from an Egyptian man: “Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off”
Best of the Arab blogs – Overview of Arab blogs in English: “Among the vast number of blogs from or about the Middle East, here is a selection of those written in English that we have found most interesting.”
Jerusalem Post – Blogs – Israeli newspaper page with links to blogs on their website.
Sociale media Israel
The Dutch Forum in Israel – Nederlandstalig; “Het Dutch Forum is een initiatief van en voor Nederlanders en Nederlands afkomstigen in Israel.
Gericht op het verlenen van hulp en informatie voor “Nederlanders” die, door middel van het aanbod van banen, uitbreiden van hun netwerk en sociale activiteiten in de Hollandse sfeer, zoals netwerk- en borrelavonden, lezingen, bedrijfsbezoeken en diverse andere sportieve en gezellige evenementen hun huidige of toekomstige positie in Israel kunnen verbeteren Belangrijkste doelstelling is het ondersteunen en het verbeteren van huidige of toekomstige postie van de Nederlanders in Israel.”
Geschiedenis Israel (op HYVES) – Nederlandstalig; tijdens de Gaza Oorlog gestarte Hyves over de geschiedenis van Israël en het conflict, telt enkele honderden leden.
Like for Israel: Nederland & Vlaanderen op FACEBOOK – Nederlandstalig; breed discussieforum, pro-Israel (besloten groep)
IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information on FACEBOOK
The Process to Coexistence for Israelis and Palestinians on FACEBOOK
Zionism Cause on FACEBOOK
Bestrijding antisemitisme, racisme en discriminatie / Fighting Anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination
De Anne Frank Stichting – Nederlandstalig
NOA – Network on Antisemitism – Nederlandstalig; “Noa is een internationaal netwerk dat antisemitisme bestrijdt in het bijzonder in Nederland. Noa is de enige organisatie in Nederland die dit als enig doel heeft. Strategie: • Zachte en harde maatregelen / • Deelnemen aan antisemitismebestrijding buiten Nederland / • Bestaande organsiaties activeren”
Stichting Magenta – Nederlandstalig; bestrijding racisme, fascisme en discriminatie op het internet
Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet (MDI) – Nederlandstalig; “Het Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet (MDI) legt zich er op toe om meldingen van uitingen op het Internet van discriminatie op basis van geloof, afkomst, sexuele voorkeur, geslacht, huidskleur en / of leeftijd te te beoordelen en zonodig aktie te ondernemen. Het Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet is een onderdeel van Stichting Magenta. De aandacht van het MDI richt zich voornamelijk op het Nederlandse deel van het Internet.”
Monitor Racisme & Extremisme – Nederlandstalig; “Op deze website vindt u informatie over racisme, antisemitisme en extremisme in Nederland. De website is een initiatief van de Anne Frank Stichting.”
Internet Centre Anti-Racism Europe (ICARE) – “I CARE is a virtual network to support and to be used by those who are committed to improve universal human rights standards and particularly non – discrimination principles. ICARE is the information disseminator for the European NGO-community working in the fields of anti-discrimination, Human Rights, antisemitism, diversity and migration, with a focus on anti-racism. ICARE is a NGO community networking system, an environment where large and small organizations can work on local, national, regional and international issues. The purpose of ICARE is the empowerment of democratic, non-violent Human Rights and antiracism work by offering information and reporting on events taking place, by facilitating communication, advocacy, campaigns and actions and by stimulating intersectional and international co-operation of NGOs. ICARE is a Magenta Foundation project.”
International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH) – “The object of INACH, the International Network Against Cyberhate is to combat discrimination on the Internet. INACH is a foundation under Dutch Law and is seated in Amsterdam. INACH was founded on October 4, 2002 by Jugenschutz.NET and Magenta Foundation, Complaints Bureau for Discrimination on the Internet.”
CFCA – Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism – “The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism is a state forum that monitors antisemitic activities throughout the world. It coordinates the struggle against this phenomenon with various government bodies and Jewish organizations around the world.
Members of the forum are as follows: the Education and Foreign Ministries, the Prime Minister’s Office/Information Centre and Government Secretariat, the Jewish Agency, ADL, World Jewish Congress, B’nei Brith, The Community Security Trust (CST) of Britain and Academic research institutes- the Stephen Roth Institute of Tel Aviv University and the Vidal Sasson Institute of the Hebrew University.
The Forum receives information on antisemitic activity from a variety of sources, checks this information and publishes it in regular reports.
The Forum convenes periodically to hear updated reports and establish policy on how to counter different forms of antisemitism.”
Latest News and Commentary on Zionism, Israel and the Middle East – Headlines from: ZioNation – Israel News – Israel: Like This, As If – Middle East Analyses – Israël & Palestijnen Nieuws Blog – IMO Blog
Eye on Israel – interactive maps of Israel (in Flash 6)
Kibbutz website – Main website of the kibbutz movement
Kibbutz Program Center – Programs for volunteer work or family visits to a kibbutz
Photos by professional photographer Carlos van As, also news photos from Israel
North-American volunteers in Israel 1948 War of Independence – Virtual museum recalling the history of the Aliyah Bet immigration and Machal volunteers in 1946-1949
History Machal Volunteers in Israel 1948 War of Independence – Booklet on volunteers who fought in the 1948 war (pdf format)
Old Testament – Tanach (King James Translation) – First translation of the Old Testament in English
UN Watch – Monitoring the United Nations, Promoting Human Rights – NGO based in Geneva, established in 1993, with constructive critisism on the UN
The Euston Manifesto – Sign the manifest for a new democratic progressive alliance
Nederlandse linkpagina’s voor verdere verwijzingen
Israël Informatie Eigenstart – Nederlands & Engelstalig: vooral politiek Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict en Joodse geschiedenis (bevat naast eigen links tevens links naar andere link-pagina’s)
Israël Startpagina – Nederlands & Engelstalig: bevat diverse links m.b.t. Israël; zowel politiek als reizen
Israël op je Desktop (Favos) – Nederlands & Engelstalig: zeer uitgebreid, bevat meer dan 1300 links m.b.t. Israël over uiteenlopende onderwerpen
Israël Startkabel – Nederlands & Engelstalig: bevat diverse links m.b.t. Israël; nadruk op praktische zaken (reizen, kontakten, Hebreeuws)
Midden-Oosten StartTips – Nederlands & Engelstalig: bevat links met algemene informatie, geschiedenis, cultuur en reizen
Midden-Oosten Startkabel – Nederlands & vooral Engelstalig: bevat de belangrijkste algemene links per land
Jodendom Startpagina – Nederlands & Engelstalig: vooral Joodse geschiedenis, cultuur en religie
Geloof Uwpagina – Nederlands & Engelstalig: over religie en min of meer aanverwante zaken (zoals humanisme, M-O conflict, yoga etc.)
Israel Uwpagina – Nederlands & Engelstalig: bevat allerhande links over Israël, van cultuur en toerisme tot nieuws en politiek
Vrienden, bekenden, sites die naar ons linken / Friends, acquaintances, sites that link to us
Genootschap Nederland-Israël afd. Leeuwarden
At the back of the hill (North Beach USA) + Web log by a former Dutchman living in San Francisco
Sittard Web Log + Blog in het Nederlands over diverse onderwerpen (o.a. Joodse geschiedenis en Israël) door onze medewerker Wouter.
Verbal Jam – Blog in het Nederlands over zeer diverse onderwerpen, door Arnoud de Jong, een Nederlandse Israëliër.