6. English/Deutsch

Understanding the BDS Movement (Avishai Don)

 Posted by  6. English/Deutsch  Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Understanding the BDS Movement (Avishai Don)
jan 292012
Understanding the BDS Movement (Avishai Don)

 (Esti Ginzburg – modified poster from Kreplach Blog) Understanding the BDS Movement By Avishai D. Don http://www.thecrimson.com Published: Thursday, January 26, 2012 Next weekend, the University of Pennsylvania will host the second national BDS conference, an event that will advocate for the “growing global campaign to boycott, divest from and […]

A softer touch on the Nakba (Akiva Eldar)

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jan 262012
A softer touch on the Nakba (Akiva Eldar)

(For background see also: The Palestine Nakba Controversy and The Palestinian Refugees) A softer touch on the Nakba A surprising new study shows that much of the Israeli mainstream rejects the Zionist narrative that there was no expulsion of Palestinians in 1948. By Akiva Eldar Published 04:46 24.01.12 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/features/a-softer-touch-on-the-nakba-1.408917   Security […]

Scandal: prenatal care in Israel is well organized

 Posted by  1. IMO Blog, 6. English/Deutsch  Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Scandal: prenatal care in Israel is well organized
jan 242012
Scandal: prenatal care in Israel is well organized

(copied from Simply Jews) 23 January 2012 Scandal: prenatal care in Israel is well organized Introduction: A short time ago I’ve posted a short piece De nada, Ilse dealing with an amazing view of Israeli prenatal care. The piece met some spirited defense. The article below is originally written in […]

What Does it Mean to be Pro Israel Today?

 Posted by  6. English/Deutsch  Reacties uitgeschakeld voor What Does it Mean to be Pro Israel Today?
jan 152012
What Does it Mean to be Pro Israel Today?

Moment Staff January/February 2012 WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE PRO ISRAEL TODAY? David K. Shipler It seems obvious to say that being pro-Israel means supporting Israel’s survival, security and well-being as a just and prosperous society. Nobody would disagree. Where people part company is over how best to achieve […]

News from Israel in 2011 ~ an overview

 Posted by  3. Media, 6. English/Deutsch  Reacties uitgeschakeld voor News from Israel in 2011 ~ an overview
jan 142012
News from Israel in 2011 ~ an overview

2011 was a busy year. Here are some less-reported stories from the Holy Land. by Yvette Alt Miller January Israel received some new immigrants this month: up to 400 bottlenose dolphins, which have taken up residence along the Tel Aviv and Herzliya shores. Nablus-based food company Alul became the first […]

Egypt’s Missing Peace – 2011: A year to remember

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jan 142012
Egypt's Missing Peace - 2011: A year to remember

Egypt’s Missing Peace Monday Jan 09, 2012 http://blogs.jpost.com/content/2011-year-remember​ Ahmed Meligy reflects on Egyptian affairs and their effect on the peace process. 2011: A year to remember   Until the miraculous year 2011 I was the same as millions of my people. I never believed that we as ordinary people could […]

Israel must separate religion from politics (Haaretz)

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jan 072012
Israel must separate religion from politics (Haaretz)

Israel must separate religion from politics http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/israel-must-separate-religion-from-politics-1.331937 The mix of politics and religion in this country has created an endless cycle of moral turpitude and fraternal hatred. The religious establishment corrupts the fabric of the state, while the state corrupts the fabric of religion. By Dov Halbertal   As an […]

Benny Morris on Palestinan Peoplehood

 Posted by  6. English/Deutsch  Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Benny Morris on Palestinan Peoplehood
dec 172011
Benny Morris on Palestinan Peoplehood

  The Scroll Benny Morris on Palestinan Peoplehood Israeli historian weighs in on Newt Gingrich’s ‘invented’ remark By Marc Tracy|December 14, 2011 10:00 AM http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/86078/benny-morris-weighs-in-on-palestinan-peoplehood/   I and everyone else have had the chance to opine on Newt Gingrich’s comment that the Palestinians are an “invented” people. Still, I felt […]